

Yes you, whoever's reading. Check out my sis's latest project. A novel. Yes, it's called 'Girls on Board'. Cool one. Read the synopsis first before reading chapter one. And actually, it's not reall her latest project. She had finished chapter 1 late last year and she left it to dust for I don't know how long. But she editted said chapter recently. Let me warn you that it's not finished yet. Do comment and critizise. She wishes to improve her english. Check my page to get to her blog. It's all there.. Seeya!!



Here I am, back from the jungle. It was cool. I always knew I belong to the jungle. JK. Seriously, loved it. I wished the hotel could be better though. Hee..
So, we went jungle trekking. That was cool because we learnt some survival tips in the jungle. The guide told us that some girl got lost in Taman Negara for 19 days(I think). The place is huge. It's about 7 times bigger than S'pore. So she survived with jungle food. Moving on, we went for the canopy walk. And had to wait, and wait, and wait. We waited for more than 2 hours to get on it FYI. Gosh, and those people who puffed in the jungle weren't helping either. So, when we got on it, I went to pose silly poses on that walkway.
Oh yes, we went rapid shooting. I thought is was water rafting. Hee. Still, we were 100% wet. Real wet. And we stopped near the aborigines' village. Yes, orang asli. You know you actually have to pay to visit them. I hope they get their share. Well, they are the only people who are allowed to live in Taman Negara. We don't have the right to shoo them away. They are afterall the original Malaysians. And no, we didn't visit them. Dad said it would be n intrusion. Who would wan people to come to your house and stare at you?
Anyway, when we swam at the river near the hotel. It's not so near cuz we have to go through the jungle to get there. Anyway, it was really nice. Because we were the only ones there. Kinda. A few people went there but didn't swim. So they were off within seconds. And we had the place to ourselves. The was so calm, a perfect scene for a horror movie, as Amaru said. We also did go to feed fish. We had a boat ride on the river which was surrouned by trees. Spectacular, the view I mean. The 12 hours journey home wasn't so good though. I hate it.
But, I love Taman Negara. Malaysians should go there more often. Malaysia is beautiful (minus pollution). The tour guide said. Our group was rare as usually not many go there in groups. (we were the HSB group). Usually, only the westerns go there. Apparently they know more about the good stuff in Malaysia than us. Tsk3. Shameful.
So, I hope the school would like to make a trip there.
I guess it won't happen cuz it's not cheap.


Finally a new moon..

And I meant the trailer of the 2nd movie twilight saga is finally out. I think they used more of CGI or whatever jargon you're supposed to call it. Yeah . People , check it out. Yes, Jacob finally got rid of that awful long hair. Taylor Lautner is young. Bird's nest like that doesn't suit him. Still, I kinda hate his guts for being Jacob. I abhor Jacob. Ulgh.
The sad part of this movie is that Edward won't be there much. Well, I love twilight the most than the other books of the saga. Yeah yeah. Oh, have you guys ever watched 'cheaper by the dozen 2' (it played last night)? Taylor Lautner was there. And he was like, I dunno, ten perhaps? So, it was more like funny than painful. hehe. If you put aside the Jacob part of him, he's not that bad. He's looks? Some people changed from Edward's team to Jacob's team. See?
Ok, so enough of my babbling. I've got plans tomorrow. Including going to eel's to help out. And also Taman Negara. Yay~ We're going by bus with the doctors from HSB. Eel found the idea amusing. I'm cool. Seeya!
PS:Please update your stories to moui~ moui not able to use ym


Brains are so over-rated

Are they? Try asking Bob from 'Monsters VS Aliens'. He probably won't be able think of n answer though, as he doesn't have a brain himself. still, That was one hillarious movie comedy. But the 3D version of it wasn't worth the money. Seriously.

We bowled at 1utama, I won. YAY. Thought of wall climbing , 45r per hour , nu-uh not worth it, as dad said. Wish I could though. Anyway, eel's sis's weddding is coming up and I'm not gonne be able to attend it. HUUU. Hope I can help, but I dunno. Watcha guys up to?


ape sume nie?

weh...awt aku sowank ja tulih blog?? mpa suma nie? ok pa2 pon skank nie xam da abey da.. yaya! malangnya mrkah eden x ley nk yaya ngat.. mrkah cam jebon.. ok kalu eden nk brkabung psai mrkah eden tamo wt la.. hello? eden syok2 bcuti.. nsb baek x fail, eden mmg igt nk fail ...tuh bawu sc, bsiap sdialah utk BM.. mati eden

Tmpat nie cam syok ja.. mmg syok pon, shopping complex dok sbelah ja... ok.. so mpa suma canna? x bcuti ka? OO lpa lak, eden ngan adek eden blk awai kit, may b ngan bas sbab msh kna p netball.. haiyoo.. tapa2 nxt week nk p tmn ngara.. yay!


ring ring~ final call

*switching to kamus dewan* Hari ini den nak memartabatkan bahasa melayu tercinta.. Oh kawan2 yang dikasihi. Den nak panggil kta beramai-ramai buat rombongan cek kiah menulis di blog ini. YEr? Ok, jadi mintak maaflah kerana membuat kalian semua tak lalu nak pandang buku. Pulih dah kot?
Tapi apa yang den cakap hanyalah kebenaran yang tak dapat dinafikan. Wah, penatnya cakap bahasa standard .. adoi.. *tukar ke dialek kedah*
Jadi apa yg aku cba smpaiakn ialah
-mpa suma maila meriuhakn keadaan kat cni


EXAM booo!!

So it's true, I'm still going solo. Nevermind, surely you guys will show up soon. And yes, I hate, loathe and despise Exams. Probably not, because that's probably my golden ticket to get off from this country...to Japan perhaps. And no, I don't hate this country. It's supposed to be only a joke. That's not my point. The point is SPM is needed but not PMR.

Why is this place so exam oriented? It's murdering my childhood. You people have probably heard of this. Grrrr.... HELLO? Is there anyway to make the minister of education realize this? Nu-uh the answer is the big far NO. Mom said we kids could write to the paper about this stuff. Not me, I'm not getting myselg being laughed at for my terrible sentence construction. Ok, I'm talking garbage again.

See ya!



At last.. Thanks to miss pilot aka my neighbour who showed me the way to.... (let's skip this part)
Anyway, applepounce here reporting live from my home, I just invited xero to to join this blog party. What's syaz's yahoo id again? Hope we'll be hearing from Tsuki, Jen, Ena and Hazel.

Moving on, so what's the purpose of this wonderful gathering (which unfortunately, so far is attended only by moui)? Well, I think for now were promoting Hazel's latest creation; Revenge, a novel/drama? And her assistants would be no other than us guys from a.x.e, which originated in my form 1 class. You've got to thank the checkered cloths. Propably, learning living skills has it's advantages. For those who are clueless, don't bother.

Well, I just read this article of a guy who got the best job in the world. He's payment? 111000 USD! OMG! How cool is that?Like totally. What does he have to do? Ok, I'm not so clear of that but something that consists snorkelling and doing fun stuffs on an island. Hello, I'm talking big pay check and exploring the earth(somehow)! Queensland perhaps? I know I make a bad reporter. But I know that he's gonna stay in a villa which has three private pools! *tripple OMGs* Well, he's suppose to promote the island or something like that. Job also requires writing blogs. I don't mind if they don't mind my poor writing? Is this sentence even correct?

So long guys!



created by : hazel-chan
edited by : aifa
We won a competition and get a chance to go for a trip at Old Town. Many strange things happened there. Every little second, we felt like somebody following us. And then... One by one has been kidnapped.!!
What wil you do when you're trapped in an unknown town? What will you do when somebody wanted to kill you?
Email us... If you wanted to know what's happening.
Stay tuned...

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