
EXAM booo!!

So it's true, I'm still going solo. Nevermind, surely you guys will show up soon. And yes, I hate, loathe and despise Exams. Probably not, because that's probably my golden ticket to get off from this country...to Japan perhaps. And no, I don't hate this country. It's supposed to be only a joke. That's not my point. The point is SPM is needed but not PMR.

Why is this place so exam oriented? It's murdering my childhood. You people have probably heard of this. Grrrr.... HELLO? Is there anyway to make the minister of education realize this? Nu-uh the answer is the big far NO. Mom said we kids could write to the paper about this stuff. Not me, I'm not getting myselg being laughed at for my terrible sentence construction. Ok, I'm talking garbage again.

See ya!


Anonymous said...

Tch you killed my mood dude. D: Aku baru nak ada semangat study sket. Well anyway, WHAT CAN WE DO?

ainaamirah said...

apa bole buat.
lumrah idop sbgai sorng pljr d mlysia.
idop mst d truskn.*nangesss*
what can we do?
rasuah rasuah!

Anonymous said...

that's right...
and aifa...
aku baru nk bkak bku ag...
ank p pOst cam nye lak....
aina wOi...
ank nk kna tngkp dgn bdn pncgah rasuah ka???
or yg t'bru...

Aifa Radzi said...

apa yg den bilang slh??

ainaamirah said...

aifa::amt slh skli ckp cmni sblm exm stat.mnybbkn org hlg smngt bc bku.hoho;p
syaza::aku xtkot pon.eleh.menteri2 skrg ni pon byk pwot buncit2 sbb mkn rasuah la.miahaha.mati aku klu aku ckp ni trsbr kt media.ngaa.*larikkK.

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