

At last.. Thanks to miss pilot aka my neighbour who showed me the way to.... (let's skip this part)
Anyway, applepounce here reporting live from my home, I just invited xero to to join this blog party. What's syaz's yahoo id again? Hope we'll be hearing from Tsuki, Jen, Ena and Hazel.

Moving on, so what's the purpose of this wonderful gathering (which unfortunately, so far is attended only by moui)? Well, I think for now were promoting Hazel's latest creation; Revenge, a novel/drama? And her assistants would be no other than us guys from a.x.e, which originated in my form 1 class. You've got to thank the checkered cloths. Propably, learning living skills has it's advantages. For those who are clueless, don't bother.

Well, I just read this article of a guy who got the best job in the world. He's payment? 111000 USD! OMG! How cool is that?Like totally. What does he have to do? Ok, I'm not so clear of that but something that consists snorkelling and doing fun stuffs on an island. Hello, I'm talking big pay check and exploring the earth(somehow)! Queensland perhaps? I know I make a bad reporter. But I know that he's gonna stay in a villa which has three private pools! *tripple OMGs* Well, he's suppose to promote the island or something like that. Job also requires writing blogs. I don't mind if they don't mind my poor writing? Is this sentence even correct?

So long guys!


Anonymous said...

wat r yOu talking abOut hah???
yOu talking nOnsense...
just jOking....

Aifa Radzi said...

pastila ngarot~
anywhoa, email id ank syzwlrd 2 ek?
den tatauler..

Anonymous said...

*snrk* Gagaga checkered cloth. I know it lol. XD Pfft... why bother with that man. Tgk taraf hidup kita ngan depa woi!

(Guess who am I?)

ainaamirah said...

apa motif cita 2?
nk gtaw yg gaji dia byk ka?
xphm xphm~
btoikn btoikn?

Anonymous said...

applepounce was ranting something random. Abaikan dia. Yeah~ sesungguhnya Ena btoi.

Do you gu-- girls think Jannah will join this group-blog-alike-thingy? Dia ada PC kat rumah ka?

n-a-d-i-a said...

skian lma dah aku xbka blog nie...
ktinggalan gla la aku..
about the man..
nice story dude...
b0ut jen..???
rsanya dia nk ms0k...
tpi xbrpluang je k0t...

ainaamirah said...

ena sntiasa btoi.
aku rsa dia mgkn agk krg brmnt dgn ini.
maleih maleih~
xtaw la.

Anonymous said...

akunya id...
satu gie...
tpi yg blOgger pnya ank amek yg...

Aifa Radzi said...

weyh~ nie psai laki tuh adlh 1 expresi... aku excited bg phk laki tuh..
chaet: guess who? chaet der... nmpak camnila cara sng nk mlawat lj ank..
syaz:nsb baek ank ckap.. aku ntaq maren kat newsfan_gurl...xclap aku la..hehe

Aifa Radzi said...

nih.. 1 gie.. mpa ni xmo mrapu skali ngan aku ka?

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